Chapter One: Your wonderful magical Gifts

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“Everyone has them, (magical gifts) we just need to find them!” Chris Marcelle

When you came into this life you were perfect. You had the power to be and do anything you wanted. Somewhere along the line you took a detour, or possibly had a little set back.

Now is the time to really get to know yourself and realize just how special and powerful you are. Don't just browse over this section, do the exercises. If you find it best to work with a notebook, please do, but write in something that you be able to keep it close to you at all times. (Just for now)

Later you will be able to develop the habit of journaling at a set time of day. I have found journaling just before I go to sleep allows me to have a restful, peaceful sleep. When challenged with sleep I would reach for my journal or even go into the office and write.

When you write it becomes real, when you just "think" about it, we tend to put it into other areas of our brain and forget to pull it up. Knowing your gifts and just how special and talented you are will bring great joy to you, and is a great beginning for this journey of building your tribe.

Your Gifts, Skills, Talents

Some Questions to help you discover You!

1. Who is the most important person in your life? Explain why.


2. What do you most look forward to achieving in your life? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Think back to the most angry you’ve ever been. Who caused that anger and how?

4. Think back to the most loved you’ve ever felt. Who made you feel that way and how?

5. How do you feel in yourself – physically, emotionally and mentally?

6. What inspires you, and how do you feel when you’re inspired?

7. What is the most important thing in the world to you?

8. How would you want to spend your last day on earth?

9. What scares you?

10. Imagine you could only accomplish one more thing in your life – what would you want that to be?


11. What do you find boring, and why?

12. Is money important to you? Do you think about it a lot?

13. Does religion play a part in your life? If so, how?

14. What are your three biggest interests?

15. Do you have an enemy or a rival? If so, how did they get to that position?

16. Do you eat to live or live to eat? And is your diet something you control carefully?

17. Does life-long marriage seem like a wonderful or awful idea to you? And why?

18. Are you emotionally healthy? Which emotional areas could you improve and which are healthy?

19. Do you argue a lot with your friends and family? If so what is the usual result?

20. If you could write your own eulogy, what would the last sentence be?

Okay, take a breather. That is a lot of soul searching already, but we are just at the tip of the iceberg. “the more I know myself, the less I care what others think about me..”

Remember the ebook and workbook are more complete then these pages...

Take a day and reflect on what you just wrote. Write some notes, awareness’s, thoughts;
    (Use a journal)